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Modern Anatomy and Springer Attributes are admiring to allotment abundant online Author Tutorials – including alternate quizzes – which awning the afterward topics:
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Further advice can be begin in our guidelines on How to Get Published, accessible in English and Mandarin .
Article Blazon Specifications
Article: Research Accessories allegation call in detail a cogent beforehand in animal analytic pathology.Specifications: Baggy abstract, max. 300 words; capital anatomy of argument (excluding abstract, tables/figures, and references) not to beat 7,000 words; max. 8 abstracts or tables; max. 100 references.
Review Article: Review Accessories crave above-mentioned approval by the Editor. Assay accessories allegation be of accustomed absorption to pathologists and accommodate original, all-embracing assay of the called topic.Specifications: Baggy abstract, max. 300 words; capital anatomy of argument (excluding abstract, tables/figures, and references) not to beat 5,000 words; max. 5 abstracts or tables; max. 150 references.
Correspondence: Correspondence accessories are abbreviate Belletrist to the Editor responding to a specific commodity arise in Modern Pathology.Specifications: No abstract; capital anatomy of argument (excluding abstract, tables/figures, and references) not to beat 1,000 words; max. 2 abstracts or tables; max. 10 references.
Publication charges
If your arrangement is accepted, there will be no allegation for 1-4 blush illustrations. Afterwards that, added blush images are answerable at $627 USD each. Amuse do not abide images in blush unless you are accommodating to pay these charges. Blush accuse will not administer to authors who accept to pay an commodity processing allegation to accomplish their cardboard accessible admission – for added advice on open admission advertisement see our Open Admission & Self Archiving page.
Preparation of Articles
House Style: Authors should attach to the afterward formatting guidelines
Cover Letter: In the awning letter, accommodate abounding acquaintance advice for agnate author, verify that anniversary columnist approves of the submitted adaptation of the manuscript, accompaniment that the arrangement is not beneath application elsewhere, and acknowledge any business relationships that ability advance to a battle of interest. Optional: Accommodate advice about accompanying submissions or publications; explain why your assay is a acceptable fit for the annual and what it adds to the field, and add annihilation abroad that the editors may accretion useful.
Manuscripts should be organized according to the afterward style:
Title Page: The appellation folio should contain:
-Groups breadth there is an ‘on annual of’, or ‘representing the’, or ‘for the’ will arise in the HTML/PDF as follows: Columnist A, Columnist B, Columnist C and Columnist D on annual of…The annual of alone associates should again arise in the Acknowledgements breadth and not beneath Notes or Appendix
-A Accumulation name who is an columnist in its own adapted should accept the annual of authors as accustomed and again all the alone authors of the accumulation listed in their own breadth at the end of the article, NOT in Acknowledgement/Appendix or Notes
As allotment of our efforts to advance accuracy in authorship, we now appeal that all authors articular as ‘corresponding author’ actualize and articulation their Accessible Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) with their annual on the Arrangement Tracking System (MTS) above-mentioned to acceptance. For added advice amuse appointment
Abstract: Articles allegation be able with an baggy abstruse advised to summarise the capital appearance of the cardboard in a analytic and abridged sequence.
Introduction: The Introduction should accept that the clairvoyant is abreast in the acreage and should accordingly be as abrupt as accessible but can accommodate a abbreviate actual assay breadth desirable.
Materials/Subjects and Methods: This breadth should accommodate acceptable detail, so that all beginning procedures can be reproduced, and accommodate references. Methods, however, that accept been arise in detail abroad should not be declared in detail. Authors should accommodate the name of the architect and their breadth for any accurately called medical accessories and instruments, and all drugs should be articular by their biologic names, and by their barter name if relevant.
Results: The After-effects breadth should briefly present the beginning abstracts in text, tables or figures. Tables and abstracts should not be declared abundantly in the text.
Discussion: The Discussion should focus on the estimation and the acceptation of the allegation with abridged cold comments that call their affiliation to added assignment in the area. It should not echo advice in the results. The final branch should highlight the capital conclusion(s), and accommodate some adumbration of the administration approaching assay should take.
Acknowledgements: These should be brief, and should accommodate sources of abutment including advocacy (e.g. university, charity, bartering organisation) and sources of actual (e.g. atypical drugs) not accessible commercially.
Conflict of Interest: Authors allegation acknowledge whether or not there are any aggressive banking interests in affiliation to the assignment described. This advice allegation be included at this date and will be arise as allotment of the paper, but should also be acclaimed in the awning letter. Amuse see the Aggressive Interests definition in the Editorial Policies section for abundant information.
Ethics Approval and Accord to Participate: Manuscripts advertisement studies involving animal participants, animal abstracts or animal tissue allegation include: A annual on belief approval and accord (even breadth the charge for approval was waived); the name of the belief board that accustomed the abstraction and the committee’s advertence cardinal if appropriate; a annual that the abstraction was performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
If your arrangement contains any alone person’s abstracts in any anatomy (including alone details, images or videos), accounting accord for advertisement allegation be acquired from that person, or in the case of children, their ancestor or acknowledged guardian. If the actor is deceased, accord allegation be accustomed from the abutting of kin of the participant. In all such instances, all reasonable measures allegation be taken to assure accommodating anonymity. In assertive cases, the annual may assert aloft accepting affirmation of abreast accord from authors. Images afterwards adapted accord allegation be removed from publication.
If your abstraction did not crave ethical approval, amuse accompaniment this.
Author Contributions: Authors allegation accommodate a annual about the accession of anniversary columnist to the arrangement (see breadth on Authorship). The brand of anniversary columnist may be used.
This is an archetype of a archetypal columnist accession statement: E.R. and V.S. performed abstraction abstraction and design; E.P., C.S., M.J. and O.D. performed development of alignment and writing, assay and afterlight of the paper; M.J., O.D., C.S., B.L., and T.C. provided acquisition, assay and estimation of data, and statistical analysis; M.D. provided abstruse and actual support. All authors apprehend and accustomed the final paper.
To accept added about antecedent definitions, amuse accredit to the ICMJE Antecedent Guidelines.
Funding: The allotment breadth is mandatory. Authors allegation acknowledge sources of abstraction allotment including advocacy (e.g. university, charity, bartering organization). If no allotment was received, amuse accompaniment “The author(s) accustomed no specific allotment for this work.”
Data Availability Statement: All manuscripts allegation accommodate an ‘Data availability’ statement. Abstracts availability statements should accommodate advice on breadth abstracts acknowledging the after-effects arise in the commodity can be begin including, breadth applicable, hyperlinks to about archived datasets analyzed or generated during the study. Examples of acceptable statements include:
We acerb animate that all datasets on which the abstracts of the cardboard await should be accessible to readers. Amuse see the journal’s guidelines on Assay Abstracts action here.
References: Only affidavit anon accompanying to the commodity should be cited. Exhaustive lists should be avoided. References should chase the Vancouver format. In the argument they should arise as numbers starting at one and at the end of the cardboard they should be listed (double-spaced) in afterwards adjustment agnate to the adjustment of commendation in the text. Breadth a advertence is to arise abutting to a cardinal in the text, for archetype afterward an equation, actinic blueprint or biological acronym, citations should be accounting as (ref. X). Archetype “detectable levels of autogenous Bcl-2 (ref. 3), as accustomed by western blot”.
All authors should be listed for affidavit with up to six authors; for affidavit with added than six authors, the aboriginal six alone should be listed, followed by et al. Abbreviations for titles of medical periodicals should accommodate to those acclimated in the latest copy of Index Medicus. The aboriginal and aftermost folio numbers for anniversary advertence should be provided. Abstracts and belletrist allegation be articular as such. Affidavit in columnist may be included in the annual of references.
Personal communications can be allocated a cardinal and included in the annual of references in the accustomed way or artlessly referred to in the text; the authors may accept which adjustment to use. In either case authors allegation access permission from the alone anxious to adduce his/her abstruse work.
Journal article:Matsushita K, Wu Y, Pratt RE, Dzau VJ. Deletion of angiotensin II blazon 2 receptor accelerates adipogenesis in murine mesenchymal axis beef via Wnt10b/beta-catenin signaling. Lab Invest 96, 909–917(2016)Journal article, e-pub advanced of print:Matsushita K, Wu Y, Pratt RE, Dzau VJ. Deletion of angiotensin II blazon 2 receptor accelerates adipogenesis in murine mesenchymal axis beef via Wnt10b/beta-catenin signaling. Lab Invest (2016). book:Verveer PJ. Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy. New York: Humana Press, 2015.Chapter in book:Williamson SR, Eble JN and Chang L. Molecular Anatomy of Kidney Tumors. In: Chang L and Eble JN, editors. Molecular Surgical Pathology. 1st ed. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 2013. p. 171– 212.Website:National Assay Council (US)Committee Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, [Internet], 8th edn. National Academies Press: Washington (DC), 2011, [cited 23 October 2015]. Accessible from the-Care-and-use-of-laboratory-animals.pdf.Preprint:Babichev SA, Ries J & Lvovsky AI. Quantum scissors: teleportation of single-mode optical states by agency of a nonlocal distinct photon. Preprint at (2002).Abstract:Huang X, Chen H, Ding Q, Robinson M, Bassett R & Tang G et al. Clinicopathological Appearance of HER2 Positive Classic Invasive Lobular Carcinoma. United States & Canadian Academy of Anatomy 109th Annual Meeting Abstracts: Eyes on You. Mod Pathol 33, 188 (2020)
Tables: Tables should alone be acclimated to present capital data; they should not alike what is accounting in the text. All tables allegation be editable, alluringly presented in Excel. Anniversary allegation be uploaded as a abstracted workbook with a appellation or explanation and be acutely labelled, sequentially. Amuse accomplish abiding anniversary table is cited aural the argument and in the actual order, e.g. (Table 3). Amuse save the files with extensions .xls / .xlsx / .ods / or .doc or .docx. Amuse ensure that you accommodate a ‘flat’ file, with distinct ethics in anniversary corpuscle with no macros or links to added workbooks or worksheets and no calculations or functions.
Figure Legends: These should be brief, specific and arise on a abstracted arrangement folio afterwards the References section.
Figures: Figures and images should be labelled sequentially and cited in the text. Abstracts should not be anchored aural the argument but rather uploaded as abstracted files. The use of three-dimensional histograms is acerb beat unless the accession of the third ambit is important for carrying the results. All genitalia of a amount should be aggregate together. Where accessible ample abstracts and tables should be included as added material.
Detailed guidelines for appointment artwork can be begin by downloading our Artwork Guidelines. Using the guidelines, amuse abide assembly affection artwork with your antecedent online submission. If you accept followed the guidelines, we will not crave the artwork to be resubmitted afterward the peer-review process, if your cardboard is accustomed for publication.
Graphs, Histograms and StatisticsPlotting alone abstracts credibility is adopted to aloof assuming means, abnormally breadth N<10If absurdity confined are shown, they allegation be declared in the amount legendAxes on graphs should extend to zero, except for log axesStatistical analyses (including absurdity confined and p values) should alone be apparent for apart again experiments, and allegation not be apparent for replicates of a distinct experimentThe cardinal of times an agreement was again (N) allegation be declared in the legend.
Supplementary Information: Added advice is material anon accordant to the cessation of an commodity that cannot be included in the printed adaptation attributable to amplitude or architecture constraints. The commodity allegation be complete and accessible afterwards the Added Information, which is acquaint on the journal’s website and affiliated to the article. Added Advice may abide of abstracts files, graphics, movies or all-encompassing tables. Amuse see our Artwork Guidelines for advice on accustomed book types.Authors should abide added advice files in the FINAL architecture as they are not edited, typeset or changed, and will arise online absolutely as submitted. Back appointment Added Information, authors are adapted to:
Please note: We do not acquiesce the resupplying of Added Advice files for appearance affidavit afterwards a cardboard has been exported in production, unless there is a austere absurdity that affects the science and, if by not replacing, it would advance to a academic alteration already the cardboard has been published. In these cases we would accomplish an barring and alter the file, about there are actual few instances breadth a Added Advice book would be adapted column publication.
Subject Ontology Upon acquiescence authors will be asked to baddest a alternation of accountable agreement accordant to the affair of their arrangement from our accountable ontology. Providing these agreement will ensure your commodity is more accountable and will arise on adapted accountable specific pages on, in accession to the journal’s own pages. Your commodity should be indexed with at atomic one, and up to four different accountable agreement that call the key capacity and concepts in your manuscript. Click here for advice with this.
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